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Malaysia’s Maybank Introduces Single Device Feature for Sole Proprietors to Manage Finances

Maybank introduced the single device feature for sole proprietors where users can link up to five Maybank2u (M2U) access in the MAE app, enabling them to manage their finances in an easier and more seamless manner. This includes a combination of one individual account and “up to four business accounts, or all five business accounts.” The new feature will benefit Maybank sole prop customers and allow them “to view their financial activities across all the linked accounts on a single device, eliminating the need to operate multiple devices, which will save them more time and provide further convenience when banking online.” Datuk Hamirullah Boorhan, Head of Maybank Community Financial Services Malaysia, said that listening to customers and “trying to fulfill their needs has always been one of the main criteria when innovating Maybank’s products and services, and in this case, to simplify the process for users when toggling between their personal and business accounts via multiple devices.” “This new feature not only streamlines our sole proprietor customer’s banking experience but also provides them peace of mind with the implementation of additional security measures, including Secure2u and the ‘Kill Switch’ feature. As security remains a top priority for Maybank, each M2U access maintains its own Secure2u for transaction approval, ensuring the highest level of protection. Sole proprietors can then seamlessly validate transactions within the MAE app.” To fully enjoy this feature, sole proprietors simply need “to update their MAE app to version 0.9.25 or above (available on Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or Huawei App Gallery) and can begin using this feature by tapping on ‘Settings’ within the MAE app and selecting ‘Switch’ after completing the linking process.” Once linked, they will be prompted to activate Secure2u “for each M2U access (with a minimum 12-hour cooling-off period and re-activation at any Maybank ATM).” This additional security step only applies “to first-time registration or when switching devices, and ensures that only the customer and no one else can validate their transactions on their own device.” This initiative is also part of the Group’s concerted efforts “to intensify its regionalization strategy by rolling out customer centric and digital solutions in its home markets, adjusting as far as possible to be optimally conducive to the local environment.”